Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saying goodbye to the ladies

They went out with a bang ! One of the residents of Bokmakierie felt that it was like their own  mountain they saw first thing in the mornings ,another said :" hoe gaan ek nou vir my vriende  van Delft verduidelik waar om af te draai , dis baie sad ...." . He wanted to know why people were clapping as the towers came down...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


You can access this site if you want to add interesting pictures to a document.

A few pictures from this site.
My son has a rabbit as a pet.      I love flowers.   Manicuring step-by-step via the web.

Information literacy

I found a useful website on information literacy.
My plans for 2011 starts here.

Creating a link to the wced website

I'm linking to the wced website so it is easily available on my blog.

You can access the PALS website by hyperlinking to


Thursdays are hectic - no admin/free periods &  to make matters hectic 911 , the whole gr.9's decided TODAY is the day to visit the library for a task on Sol Plaatje which is due Monday! My own class is giving me more greys than I can manage - some were not prepared for their oral exam, others simply "forgot";  this after I had reminded them daily about it.

I have only done my blog of last week ,earlier today, sorry wait a minute, I have to e-mail it quickly to Sandy ! Sjoe!

I'm here... ke nako

29 July 2010

When Sandy started the lecture, it felt surreal - I felt like I was starting the course all over again- while  everybody  seemed to follow well, I felt that I had missed out . I came to this class with a "blank" slate.  As the lesson progressed , I realised how little I've learnt in the last few years. I have not kept abreast with technological developments! In fact I seldom even use e-mail as a means of communication but I receive many. 

Learning about WEB 2.0 was "insightful"  and I think I'm slowly becoming a part of the group .
I feel I must apply the things I'm learning in class - the nature of these lectures are, I think ,such, that you   always feel strongly motivated & responsible to go back and apply  what you have learnt. I also felt that there were things that needed to change in the school library; that I  was'nt doing enough. 

At the end of the lesson everybody was abuzz when they started their blogs. I attempted with the help of Shahida ,  but thought it would be better if I did this over the weekend.

I'm thinking of going to the Bookfair,  about the projects I have to help the grade 9's and 12's with. The library that has only one monitor, books that ......
I think my mind is too much on my Afrikaans Oral exams which learners are reluctant to complete before the 14th of August. Teaching grade 12's and 8's Afrikaans makes running the library also very challenging .

But there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm excited about the FREE TOP 20  websites. I will share them with my colleagues & definitely access some.

I realise I have much to learn , but I'm looking forward to it and I'm confident that I will be able to
" master" blogging (even before I hand in my assignment ?!?) ,if only I can find ms. T I M E.

Your fellow blogger